
Does the Maid of Honour Need a Different Colour Dress to the Bridesmaids?

Leanne Orr, Chief Editor & Owner

Leanne is an experienced Bridesmaid (4 time Bridesmaid/Maid of Honour) and is currently planning her own wedding. She also has experience running her own Hen Party Gifts Boutique and has helped to plan a number of hen parties in the UK and abroad.

/ Updated May 26th, 2023

When it comes to weddings, a common question that arises is whether the maid of honour’s dress should be a different colour from the bridesmaids’ dresses. While there are no hard and fast rules, this practice has become a popular trend in many UK weddings. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this tradition, discuss if it is necessary, and provide tips on how to choose a different colour that still matches the bridesmaids’ dresses.

Why Some Maid of Honours Have a Different Colour Dress

  1. To Stand Out – The maid of honour holds a significant role in the wedding party, being the bride’s right-hand woman and closest confidante. Having a different coloured dress sets her apart and emphasises her special position.
  2. Visual Contrast – Opting for a different colour dress can create a visually appealing contrast within the bridal party. This distinction adds depth and dimension to the overall aesthetic, making the maid of honour easily recognisable and highlighting her role in the ceremony.
  3. Symbolic Reasoning – Choosing a different colour for the maid of honour’s dress can symbolise her unique relationship with the bride. It serves as a visual representation of their close bond and sets her apart as the bride’s closest companion.

Does the Maid of honour Have To Have a Different Coloured Dress/

While having a different coloured dress for the maid of honour has become a popular tradition, it is not a mandatory practice. Ultimately, the decision depends on the couple’s preference and the overall theme or style of the wedding. Some weddings may follow a more traditional approach, with the maid of honour wearing a dress that matches the bridesmaids perfectly. Others may choose to embrace the trend of a different coloured dress for the maid of honour to add an element of visual interest.

How to Choose a Different Colour That Still Matches the Bridesmaids’ Dresses

If you decide to go with a different coloured dress for the maid of honour, it is essential to ensure that it harmonises with the bridesmaids’ dresses. Here are some tips to help you choose a complementary colour:

  1. Consult with the Bride
    Discuss the colour scheme and vision the bride has for her wedding. This will give you insights into her preferences and help you choose a colour that aligns with the overall aesthetic.
  2. Consider the Wedding Palette
    Take into account the colours used in the wedding decor, floral arrangements, and other elements. Select a colour that complements or harmonises with the existing palette. You can choose a shade that is lighter or darker than the bridesmaids’ dresses or opt for a complementary colour on the colour wheel.
  3. Try Swatches
    Obtain fabric swatches or samples of the bridesmaids’ dresses. Use these swatches to compare and find a colour that works well alongside the chosen palette. Pay attention to how the different colours look together in various lighting conditions.
  4. Maintain Consistency
    While the maid of honour’s dress can be a different colour, it is crucial to maintain some consistency or cohesion. Consider incorporating elements that tie the maid of honour’s dress to the bridesmaids’ dresses, such as using a similar fabric, neckline, or accessorising with matching or complementary accessories.
  5. Seek Professional Advice
    If you’re uncertain about colour combinations, consult with a professional stylist or wedding planner. They can provide valuable guidance and help you make informed decisions regarding colour choices and overall bridal party coordination.

Remember, the ultimate goal is to ensure that the maid of honour’s dress, even if a different colour, complements the overall aesthetic of the wedding and creates a cohesive look with the bridesmaids’ dresses. By considering the bride’s preferences, the wedding palette, and maintaining some consistency, you can achieve a visually stunning and harmonious bridal party ensemble.

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